Sub sendmail() Dim objEmail As Object Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message") '建立 CDO 物件 objEmail.From = "" '寄件者(網域必須存在) objEmail.To = "" '收件者 objEmail.Subject = "CDO郵件測試" '郵件主旨 objEmail.TextBody = "郵件本文" '郵件內文 objEmail.Send Set objEmail = Nothing End Sub
Sub sendmail() Dim objEmail As Object Const SMTPSERVER = "" '使用 傳送郵件
Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message") '建立 CDO 物件 With objEmail.Configuration.Fields .Item("") = 2 .Item("") = SMTPSERVER .Item("") = 25 .Update End With
objEmail.From = "" '寄件者(網域必須存在) objEmail.To = "" '收件者 objEmail.Subject = "CDO郵件測試" '郵件主旨 objEmail.HTMLBody = "郵件本文"'HTML郵件內文 objEmail.Send Set objEmail = Nothing End Sub
Sub sendmail() Dim fd As FileDialog Dim objEmail As Object Const SMTPSERVER = "" '使用 傳送郵件
Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message") '建立 CDO 物件 With objEmail.Configuration.Fields .Item("") = 2 .Item("") = SMTPSERVER .Item("") = 25 .Update End With
'檢查檔案是否已經存檔,存檔後才能當作附件傳送 If ActiveWorkbook.Path = "" Then Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs) If Not fd.Show = -1 Then GoTo OUT Application.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs fd.SelectedItems(1) Application.DisplayAlerts = True ElseIf Not ActiveWorkbook.Saved Then If MsgBox("檔案需先儲存才能被傳送,要儲存檔案嗎?", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then GoTo OUT ActiveWorkbook.Save End If
With objEmail .From = "" '寄件者 .To = "" '收件者 .cc = "" '副本收件者 .Subject = "CDO郵件測試" '郵件主旨 .HTMLBody = "郵件本文『附加檔案』" 'HTML郵件內文 .AddAttachment ActiveWorkbook.FullName .Send '傳送郵件 End With
Set objEmail = Nothing '恢復檔案開啟屬性為可讀可寫 ActiveWorkbook.ChangeFileAccess xlReadWrite Application.ScreenUpdating = True Exit Sub OUT: MsgBox "檔案沒儲存,停止傳送" Set objEmail = Nothing End Sub