資料來源:VB6 控制 IE 填入值及點擊按鈕
' 需引用 iframe.dll 元件 ' 需引用 MSHTML.TLB 元件
Dim WithEvents IE As InternetExplorer Dim Doc As HTMLDocument
Private Sub Command1_Click() IENavigate "http://xxxxx" End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click() IENavigate "http://www." End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click() ObjSetValue "input", "ctl00$TzuhuHolder$usridTxt", tb_usridTxt.Text ObjSetValue "input", "ctl00$TzuhuHolder$nameTxt", tb_nameTxt.Text ObjSetValue "select", "ctl00$TzuhuHolder$yearDDL", cb_yearDDL.Text ObjSetValue "select", "ctl00$TzuhuHolder$monthDDL", cb_monthDDL.Text End Sub
' 建立IE及開啟某網頁 Sub IENavigate(URL As String) If IE Is Nothing Then Set IE = New InternetExplorer IE.Visible = True IE.Width = 1024 + 15 IE.Height = 640 IE.navigate URL End Sub
' 在 IE 載入完成時,要做的事情 Private Sub IE_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant) Dim BObj As Object Set BObj = Nothing Set Doc = IE.document If UrlCheck(URL, "reminder.aspx") Then Call ButtonCheck("ctl00$TzuhuHolder$mybutton") ElseIf UrlCheck(URL, "declare.aspx") Then ElseIf UrlCheck(URL, "process.aspx") Then ElseIf UrlCheck(URL, "index.aspx") Then Call ButtonCheck("ImageButton1")
End If End Sub
' 控制改變某物件的值 Sub ObjSetValue(ObjTagName As String, ObjID As String, ObjValue As String) Dim I As Long, BObj As Object Dim DocIB As Object Set BObj = Nothing ObjTagName = LCase(ObjTagName) Set DocIB = Doc.getElementsByTagName(ObjTagName) For I = 0 To DocIB.length - 1 If LCase(DocIB(I).id) = LCase(ObjID) Or LCase(DocIB(I).Name) = LCase(ObjID) Then Set BObj = Doc.getElementById(ObjID) Exit For End If Next If Not BObj Is Nothing Then Select Case ObjTagName Case "input", "select" BObj.Value = ObjValue End Select End If End Sub
' 控制點擊某按鈕 (Button) ( Click ) Function ButtonCheck(ObjID As String) As Boolean ButtonCheck = False If Doc Is Nothing Then Exit Function
Dim I As Long, BObj As Object Dim DocIB As Object Set BObj = Nothing Set DocIB = Doc.getElementsByTagName("input") For I = 0 To DocIB.length - 1 If LCase(DocIB(I).id) = LCase(ObjID) Or LCase(DocIB(I).Name) = LCase(ObjID) Then Set BObj = Doc.getElementById(ObjID) Exit For End If Next
If Not BObj Is Nothing Then BObj.disabled = False BObj.Click End If
End Function
Function UrlCheck(URL As Variant, ObjID As String) As Boolean UrlCheck = LCase(Right(URL, Len(ObjID))) = LCase(ObjID) End Function